Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Miracle of Giving Up

So no one can become my disciple without giving up everything for me.
(Luke 14:33, NLT)

I have permission to tell a true story that occurred this week:
A young couple with young children felt drawn to invite a single mother, her parents, and two children for dinner.

The young couple had a small amount of food.

The single mother had none.

The young couple, through faith, gave up their food to those who were hungry.

The young couple gave up their fear of running out of food.

The young couple gave up their time to fix dinner and share a meal with the single mother, her parents, and her two children.

After everything had been put away and their dinner guests had left, the young couple realized there had not only been enough but there had been more than enough—their refrigerator was filled with leftovers.

Impossible . . . incredible . . . I mean seriously . . . it happened. . . a miracle. . . a bon fide miracle!!!

We are given the opportunity to give up ourselves, including worry and fear, to simply do what God leads us to do. Jesus asks us to count the cost and then follow Him. The cost is giving up a self-centered lifestyle for a Christ-centered lifestyle.

Count the cost of giving up everything on a daily basis.
Consciously think about what you need to give up including: thoughts, attitudes, desires, needs, words, and actions.
Follow Christ and give up your whole mind, heart, and soul centered on Him.
Experience the miracle of giving up everything to follow Christ.

Learning with you to give up everything to Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)