Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Have Nothing

God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God looked upon the Israelites, and God took notice of them.
(Exodus 2: 24-25, NRS)

I remember the first time I heard an individual say these words, “I have nothing . . . I have nobody . . . nothing matters . . . I am done.” At the time, I was a young nurse and could not imagine anyone thinking that way. Through the course of the years, I have come to understand that the hardships and difficulties of this world are relentless at times. Life can be unimaginably difficult.

What can we do to help others during tough times?
I have learned when times are tough:
People need to be heard.
People need to know that someone cares and will not forget them.
People need to know they are seen and not invisible because of their difficulties.
People need to know they are noticed and will be helped.
People need to know they will be okay.

In the ancient days, the people of God were oppressed. They were slaves. Their life belonged to the slave owner. After centuries of living in oppression, the people called out to God. And:
God heard their groaning,
God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
God looked upon the Israelites
God took notice of them.

Christ-followers are called to serve others for Christ.
Life changes when we call out to Christ and reach out to others as He leads.
Make a difference today.
Take time to pray for someone that has nothing—really pray---not just a quick prayer—but a sit down—be still moment to pray and connect with God on behalf of someone that has a great need.
Experience the activity of God.
Be a part of His activity and reach out to the specific individual through the leading of Christ.
Give thanks to God.
Learning with you to call out to God and reach out to others,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)