Did you know that Christmas was canceled in England in the 1640’s? An extreme amount of time and money were expended on the day. Celebrating in excess became a normal component of the season. The government decided to cancel Christmas so that the people would focus on Christ.
Rather than investing time in giving thanks this past weekend, many Americans were spending time and money on Christmas. The college pastor at our church researched spending habits on Americans during the Christmas season. The total amount of dollars spent on Christmas in the United States is an incredible 4.5 billion dollars. He has asked us to join him in a Christmas Reformation. Do you think we need a reformation? Yikes! Yes!
Think about Christmas . . . do we celebrate through spending too much money and time on excess . . . the unnecessary . . . or invest time and resources on behalf of Immanuel . . . God with us.
The book of Exodus records the wealth of the Egyptians. God promised that His presence would overpower the Egyptians and their extreme materialistic power. Today, as in the ancient days, the economy seems to dictate how the world lives. Even so, the presence of God gives the ultimate value to life.
Christmas is about the presence of God entering our world. To the world, buying and spending dictates the Christmas season. Ask God how to approach this Christmas season . . . what can be canceled . . . what is unnecessary?
It is a simple choice: cancel the unnecessary this Christmas season.
Be aware of the presence of God . . . Immanuel . . . God with us.
Seek what Immanuel would have you do this Christmas season.
Cancel the unnecessary this Christmas season.
Focus on Christ in everything you think, say, and do.
Learning with you to cancel the unnecessary,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)