Monday, August 6, 2007

What Matters?

Finally, brothers . . .
if there is any excellence. . .
dwell on these things (Philippians 4:8e, NRS).

Good Morning!

The process of moving makes an individual account for what really matters in life. In theory, we all agree that life is not about accumulation; yet, those who occupy space in the western world spend money, time, and effort to accumulate. And . . . p.s. . . . by the way . . . most of us accumulate unnecessary things that really don’t matter.

What and why we accumulate begins with our thinking process. Our thought process reveals our core belief and ultimately defines our actions. The Apostle Paul delineated how to formulate thinking that matters: whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, and if there is excellence. The Apostle Paul says to analyze if something is excellent. In other words, we need to spend time thinking to determine what really matters. In the evaluation process, we ask, “What do I believe really matters in life?”

I do know that our family and friends do not believe inheriting our stuff is worth anything in comparison to receiving love and grace from us. Sharing the inheritance that is given to the children of God is what really matters—love, grace, hope, faith.

Evaluate your core beliefs.
Assess what really matters in your life.
Share the inheritance that you received from God.

Learning with you to determine what really matters,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)