Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lesson Learned . . .

Keep on doing the things that you have learned . . . (Philippians 4:9, NRS).

Good Morning!

A deer caused havoc on the road. The deer seemed to sense that it had power over the vehicles on the road. So, the deer made a three point plan.

1.Stand in the middle of the road, face the left lane, and refuse to move. (Result: Vehicles on both sides of the road could not move.)

2.Turn, stand in the middle of the road, and refuse to move.

3.Jump to the side of the road, look back at the vehicles (with a smirk???), and disappear into the woods.

What was the lesson? Humanity has little control over much of anything.

Isn’t life a series of lessons? That said, the Apostle Paul instructed the Church at Philippi to live the lessons learned about Christ. God has created humanity with the ability to learn and the control to choose or deny to live the lesson that has been learned.

Assess what you have learned as a Christ-follower.

Take control and implement the learned lessons.

Continue to be a student.

Learning with you to implement lessons learned about Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)