Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Inbreaking Light

Finally, brothers . . .
whatever is pure . . .
dwell on these things (Philippians 4:8c, NRS).

Good Morning!

Last night, we had a breath-taking-eye-popping view of the moon in the night skies. The moon had morphed into a gigantic bright orange light above the city lights. Scientists have explained that the particles of the air in our atmosphere disseminate the light of the moon, creating the unusual sight. Regardless of the reasons for the change, it was worth taking time to view the inbreaking light of the moon in the darkness of the night.

The light of the moon was a reminder that God commanded the light to go into the darkness and void from the beginning of time. Accordingly, God has created humanity for an inbreaking of the Light of His presence. No one needs to live in the dark or the void of the world. God gives you and I the opportunity to receive and then be daily transformed by the inbreaking Light of Christ. The power of darkness disseminates through the inbreaking Light, transforming thoughts, attitudes and actions. Thus, it makes sense that the Apostle Paul challenged the Philippians to think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, and whatever is pure.

You and I both know how easy it is to focus on something that eventually drags us down, creating emotions and actions that are part of the darkness. Thinking on things that are pure keeps our thoughts, attitudes, and actions aligned with the Light of the world rather than the darkness in the world.

Think on whatever is pure.
Seek the inbreaking Light of Christ.
Dwell on whatever is pure.
Determine to keep your thoughts pure through the Light.

Learning with you to choose to think on whatever is pure through the inbreaking Light,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)