Question to think about: Are you understood?
If only you would, then I would . . .
Words are said.
Misunderstanding occurs.
Defensive thoughts form.
Confidence decreases.
Blaming begins.
No one listens.
Trust is lost.
Blame, bitterness, and unforgiveness erect a barrier to understanding one another, locking us into a cycle of behavior that leads to division. The key to understanding is forgiveness. In the scriptures, the word forgiveness in the original Greek language,aphiemi, was used to describe letting go of the debt someone owed . . . freeing an individual of an obligation . . . a picture of an individual being released from prison.
Understanding is a gift . . . a rare gift precipitated by forgiveness. Christ, God with us, entered humanity to show us the way to live, understanding our struggles, hopes, and dreams . . . freeing us to experience life to the fullest.
The story of God is our story . . . when we study the interaction between Christ and the people . . . we see ourselves . . . a lack of belief that we are invited into a relationship with Christ who completely understands every component of our life and frees us from the things that inhibit experiencing the life we are created to live:
But [as] I told you, although you have seen Me, still you do not believe and trust and have faith. All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will never, no never, reject one of them who comes to Me].(John 6:36-37, Amplified)
Christ is the visible reality of the understanding of God.
Christ came to release us from the things that separate us from a healed and whole life.
Christ invites us to believe, trust, and have faith that God completely understands.
Christ invites us to take action: "Come" with the promise . . . "I will not "cast" you out.
Communicate with Christ every day.
You will be heard.
You will be understood.
You will be released to live fully and wholly.
Learning with you to believe Christ understands,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)