The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. (John 1:9, NRS)
Too often we only see life through what we are experiencing in the moment. And, sometimes it seems too difficult to do anything else. That said, humanity has been given the capacity to develop a perspective that encompasses what has been, what is in the moment, and what could be. The daily details change when we develop a greater perspective.
In his writing, John told the story of Christ, the true (authentic) light, entering the world as part of humanity. The story begins before the birth of Christ, in an era that nobody had any idea of what was about to take place. Perspective changes when we look back and see more of the picture.
The coming of Christ into humanity has revealed the kind of relationship God desires to have with humanity. It is a day in and day out, participative relationship, which includes the details. Everything changes, even the darkest moments, when we invite the true Light into the daily details of life.
Take a breath.
Ask Christ to enter into the details of your life.
Look beyond what is seen in the moment and seek the true Light to enlighten you.
Refuse to react on your own ability but rather respond through the power of Christ.
Learning with you that Christ wants to participate in the daily details,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)