Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Take Your Robe Off and Use a Towel

Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist . . . (John 13:3)

A pastor friend of mine has had a difficult week. His teenage son was with the wrong people at the wrong time, arrested, put in jail, and now has to wait for his day in court behind bars. The teenager will be tried as an adult and faces a probable fifteen years in prison.

I know my friend's son did not think of the consequences for himself or his family. In fact, I am pretty sure that he did not understand the destructive impact that his actions would have on others . . . until now. The thing is . . . my friend has reached out to his son . . . serving him with compassion and complete love.
Serving those who don't deserve to be served produces a powerful message.
The words in John 13 paint the picture of service.

John reminds us that Jesus knew that he had authority over everything. And in the next sentence paints the picture of how Jesus used the unimaginable, all encompassing power . . . he took off his robe to serve. In the ancient days, the robe signified the power of an individual. Jesus was the honored Rabbi . . . the teacher . . . taking off the robe . . . was not done . . . but there was more . . . the unthinkable occurred . . . Jesus wrapped a towel around his waist . . . symbolizing the lowest ranking slave. Imagine how this messed with the disciple's way of thinking!

Meditate on this picture . . . put it in your mind . . . heart . . . spirit . . . think about it all day . . . let it change you . . . experience serving others in this manner.

Ask the Spirit to empower you to be able to take off your power and serve in humility and love.
Take off your robe.
Use the towel of service.
Learning with you to serve like Jesus,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)