May you know joy this Easter weekend . . . His Word tells the story . . . Shalom, Kerrie
Note: This may take some time to read . . . but the story of the week leading to the cross, as well as the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ bring power to those who choose to follow . . .
Matthew 26:1-2
John 12:1-8
Matthew 21:1-9
Mark 11:12-14
Luke 19:45-46
Luke 20:1-47
Luke 21:1-4
Mark 13:1-37
John 13:1-20
Luke 22:17-34
John 13:21-38
Matthew 26:47-75
Matthew 27:1-2
John 18:28-40
John 19:1-16
Luke 23:26-45
John 19:25-30
Luke 23:46-54
John 20:1-18
Luke 24:3-45
John 20:19-31
John 21:1-25
Matthew 28:18-20
Luke 24:50-53