One individual told me mornings used to be spent in utter chaos, no one paid attention to one another. The goal was to get out the door and down the road. They would give a quick kiss, a slurred, "loveya," and slam the door as they rushed away from home. An accident occurred . . . life has never been the same.
Why are we in such a hurry?
Why do we make such a big deal out of things that do not matter?
Why do we forget that life is a gift?
Story after story is recorded about the people that were distracted and focused on things that did not matter in the end. They eventually they lost their love for God, the Source of life. Then in 586 B.C. . . . life changed . . . Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem . . . burned the Temple . . . invaded the land . . . killed . . . enslaved . . . drove the people from their homes . . . life would never be the same. The story changed . . . they realized that they were created to be in a continual ongoing relationship with the Creator, the Source of Life, God.
Isaiah brings perspective to life:
The LORD is the everlasting God:
Take time to focus on the presence and power of God in your life.
Awareness of the presence of God requires intentionality. The effort to recognize His presence changes how we perceive and manage life. Take at least one minute per hour and become still. Breathe. Let distracting thoughts go. Center your attention on God. Be still and know the everlasting God.
The Creator of the ends of the earth:
This era has produced distracted hyper people that are highly concerned with how life will impact self. The thing is . . . humanity has been created for more . . . to participate in the work of God that impacts people throughout the ages.
He does not faint or grow weary:
Whether we know it or not, God is always working on our behalf. What we see now . . . in this dimension . . is not all of the story . . . and . . . God never grows weary of us . . . the power of His love . . . is beyond human comprehension.
His understanding is unsearchable:
God understands absolutely everything . . . and He waits for us to come to Him . . . that we might receive peace . . . the kind of peace that goes beyond our understanding.
Lean back on the unchanging and eternal presence of God.
Develop an awareness of the presence of God.
Focus on the gifts of life through His presence.
Remember that life is fragile . . . be attentive and intentional to what you have through the presence of God.
Learning with you to see life through the presence of God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)