Question to think about: When do you invite Christ to participate?
My friend oversees many employees. Her organization is struggling with the current economic issues. There is a possibility of some lay-offs. It will be her job to decide who stays and who leaves. The stress on her and the employees markedly increases every day . . . decreasing the energy and motivation . .. creating an unpleasant work environment . . . impacting the production rate . . . making lay-offs more of a reality. My friend feels stuck in a hard place.
Something needs to change. What can change when life becomes difficult?
Look at the disciples.
They knew what to do as
experienced fisherman
understanding the ways of
the sea
whether in blue skies and calm waters or
during dark stormy days.
They learned to manage
high winds and stormy waters;
they left without Jesus
were caught in the dark
during a storm.
The storm raged
and the disciples were stuck in the boat.
Jesus came.
They were willing and glad to have the presence of Christ, God with us.
Jesus got into their boat.
They were able to steer the boat
to where they had been headed
and immediately arrived
safely to the other side:
Then they were quite willing and glad for Him to come into the boat. And now the boat went at once to the land they had steered toward. [And immediately they reached the shore toward which they had been slowly making their way.]John 6:21, Amplified)
Immediately . . . life changed with Jesus in the boat . . . and the disciples were able to get where they were supposed to go.
Is there something not working in life?
Is there a storm brewing?
Invite Jesus into the boat . . . the way you think, speak, and act.
Ask God to guide you to where you are going.
Learning with you to invite Christ to guide the way,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)