Friday, January 9, 2009

Seriously . . . do you know your position on this?

Question to think about: What position do you take?

Listening to some friends discuss their political positions was . . . well . . . interesting . . . intense . . . opinionated . . . and draining. It seemed to me that no one would possibly be persuaded to change their personal position on issues. But . . . no one seemed to care . . . they were passionately determined to give the most minute-detailed reasons that their position had to be the right position.

When you down to it . . . knowing our position on issues with passion occurs when we are engaged with what is going on in this world. Ultimately, the position of our heart impacts every area of our life. If, we are willing to do what Christ tells us to do then we must surrender. Easy to say . . . but not so easy to do.

Look at what happened to the followers that positioned themselves as Christ asked. The scene had been set. One little boy had two loaves and five fish in a crowd of thousands of hungry people:

“Tell everyone to sit down,” Jesus said. So they all sat down on the grassy slopes. (The men alone numbered about 5,000.) Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted.(John 6:10-11, NLT)

Unpack the passage and think about what it means in every day life:
Jesus told the disciples to tell everyone to sit down.
Jesus took the bread . . . gave thanks . . . and distributed the bread.
(Also: Jesus took the fish . . . gave thanks . . . and distributed the fish.)
They all ate . . . as much as they wanted.

An incredible . . . downright miracle occurred . . . but what would have happened if they had not paid attention to Christ?
What if the disciples would have refused to do what Christ said?
What if the people would not have sat down?
What if they would have stood up and started worrying and complaining about the circumstance?

Experiencing the work of Christ requires a position of surrender and trust which requires us to change the position of self-centeredness, stress, and/or fear. It is not easy to change our position. That said, something more than can ever be imagined occurs when we position ourselves with Christ.
Sit down . . . surrender.
Give thanks for what God is going to do with what you have.
Receive the provision of God . . . it is more than enough.

Learning with you to take the position of surrender,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)