After he was raised from the dead, the disciples remembered that he had said this. And they believed both Jesus and the Scriptures. (John 2:22, NLT)
When was the last time you were puzzled about something? I am referring to the times in life that the pieces of available information don't seem to fit together. In those moments, clarity is missing. Then something is said or occurs and you find yourself in an "aha" moment, for better or worse, you get "it."
Can you imagine the "aha" moment when the disciples realized Jesus had expected death and resurrection? Wouldn't that have given greater clarity of who Christ was and is . . . Immanuel . . . God with us?
Too often, we see life in the short term rather than in the eternal. We get caught up in things that will not matter at the end of our life. No one escapes this problem; our vision often is direct at ourselves and the circumstances we face. Whether we will admit it or not, the unspoken question often is: "What does this mean for me?" As we gain perspective and maturity, we have an "aha" moment because we see that the greater question is "What does this mean in the scope of eternity?"
Take an "aha" break.
Gain clarity.
Look for the missing piece of information.
See more than yourself and circumstances . . . see that God is with us and has a greater plan than what you see right now.
Learning with you to take time for "aha" moments,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)