Tuesday, July 22, 2008

After Dark

After dark one evening, a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a Pharisee... (John 3:1, NLT)

I am a people watcher. Seriously, humanity provides an incredible amount of entertainment in every day moments. Throughout the years, I have watched people do unreasonable, unnecessary, and even impossible activities.

One evening, I watched a group of people, presumably a family, that were rolling along the road . . . all together . . . on shoes with pop-out rollers. It was worth another look. Seriously, their rollers were not traditional roller skates or roller blades; they were regular shoes with pop-outs. Questions came to mind: Where did the adults find shoes with pop-outs? Were they out having fun or conserving gas? How far were they going? My questions were not answered; my curiosity as a people watcher remains.

A man called Nicodemus was seen. John described the scene between Nicodemus and Jesus. He came out after dark, presumably so he would not be seen; however, his secret continues to be known two thousand years later. He was seen.

We are watched. Where we go . . . what we do . . . how we live . . . is watched. Even when we wait until we think no one will see or hear, at some point it will be revealed.
Why? We are created to impact others. What we do, either in the light or dark, will be revealed because it eventually impacts someone.

I doubt that Nicodemus ever thought that his little trip after dark would impact people thousands of years later.

Evaluate what you are doing.
Realize you will be observed and impact someone at some point in time.
Live in the Light.
Impact others for good.
Learning with you to understand every individual impacts someone,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)