Monday, February 25, 2008

And This Is His Plan

Then Elijah said to them, "I am the only prophet of the LORD who is left, but Baal has 450 prophets. (I Kings 18:22, NLT)

I have a friend that works in a co-op with people that speak about their disgust and disdain for Christians. Their opinions have not only been formed through the media but through some hurtful experiences with people who have said they follow Christ. My friend says that working there is not hard because he knows that it is the plan of God. He does not let the people's comments get to him . . . but instead hopes that his words and actions of love will get to them . . . and they will want something more . . . a relationship with God.

The plan of God can seem so . . . well . . . mysterious. It seems to me that sometimes knowing the plan of God is much easier than we want it to be. Quite frequently people will say to me that they wish they knew what God wanted them to do . . . BUT . . . they continue doing things their way as if they are waiting for a memo from heaven. The thing is when we read the Old and New Testament the will of God . . . when all is said and done . . . without question . . . is for humanity to have a relationship with God . . . and this is His plan . . . to live in relationship with God.

I Kings 18 records Elijah standing alone for God as he faced 450 prophets of Baal. The plan remained the same . . . for all of them to be in relationship with God. This story clearly points us to the best way to live . . . in relationship with God. It is His plan.

The Apostle Paul wrote of the alignment of life through a relationship with God that is found through Christ in Ephesians.

And this is his plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ -- everything in heaven and on earth. Furthermore, because of Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us from the beginning, and all things happen just as he decided long ago.
God's purpose was that we who were the first to trust in Christ should praise our glorious God. (Ephesians 1:10-12, NLT)

We can comprehend God’s plan through the life of Christ. And this is His plan . . . for God so loved the world that He came and communicated how to live.
Live the best life today . . . in relationship with God.
Align everything you think, say, and do through your relationship with God.
Learning with you to intentionally live in His plan,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)