Thursday, September 27, 2007

Have It Your Way

May God our Father give you grace and peace. (Colossians 1:2c, NLT).

Good Morning!

I spoke to a three-year-old boy yesterday. I was informed that he would be having lunch his way. The pre-schooler repeated an advertisement for his lunch with excitement. Yikes!

He was sold on the idea: he could have lunch his way and have the best burger in the world.

He believed his way was the best way.

Question: Does a three-year-old have the ability to determine the best way for a lunch to be made? Will his way be the healthiest way to have lunch? What are the long-term effects? I mean think about it . . .

It made me think . . . do I believe that the best way for life is my way or do I seriously believe God has a plan that far exceeds anything that I can think, ask, or imagine? Ummm . . . there is truth and then there is Truth. When we live His way, peace and grace flow from our life.

The Spirit produces peace and grace within our lives as we align ourselves with the plan of God. The only way we know true peace (knowing the presence of God and knowing He is good) and grace (free-flowing divine love and mercy) is to be aligned with his will. The Apostle Paul greeted the Colossians with hope for peace and grace in their lives. They understood that peace and grace could not be fully realized if they lived live their way.

Humanity needs and desires to have peace and grace; however, peace and grace are not fully realized without the presence of Christ.

Surrender your way: “God, have it Your way.”

Align your plan with the plan of God.

Receive peace and grace.

May you have peace and grace today.

Learning with you to ask to have today be God’s way,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)