Friday, August 3, 2007

Gidgets, Gadgets, Trinkets, & Toys

Finally, brothers . . .
whatever is commendable . . .
dwell on these things (Philippians 4:8d, NRS).

Good Morning!

The process of sifting and sorting to get ready to move has clarified that we have more than enough unnecessary stuff. I mean . . . we have random gidgets . . . gadgets . . . trinkets . . . and toys . . . pointless and purposeless possessions. Honestly, I thought we managed our stuff more efficiently. Turns out, we have efficiently stored things out of sight and mind.

We are called to be a steward of every component of life, including our possessions. Stewardship begins with a specific mindset. The Apostle Paul developed a list: whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, and whatever is commendable. The word, commendable, sums up a thought process leading to a life lived without regret.

Yikes! We often become concerned with the pressures and problems comparative to gidgets, gadgets, trinkets, and toys. Accordingly, stewards learn to think and act in a commendable way—living without regretting misspent time on things that are pointless and purposeless.

Be a good steward of your life.
Sift and sort through the gidgets, gadgets, trinkets, and toys of life.
Live without regret—invest your time on what matters.
Think on whatever is commendable and live accordingly.

Learning with you to choose to be a commendable steward of life,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)