Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Question to think about: How is it possible to be recharged?

Life had become boring. It wasn't that they weren't busy . . . they were extremely busy . . .

jobs . . .

kids . . .

household chores . . .

sports . . .

committees . . .

kept them constantly running from one place to another. Perhaps busyness was the initial problem; however, when I had a chance to talk with them . . . they described their life as empty and . . . purposeless.

From the outside, their life looked good . . . actually it looked like a great life. Even so, they did not see their life as good and certainly not great. There did not seem to be much to savor, except for their kids.

How do we get so far away from living with passion and purpose or from seeing life as great?

Boredom . . . emptiness . . . purposelessness . . . are all land mines in the landscape of our lives. If we fail to pay attention to the land mines . . . our lives will blow up.

How do we clear out the land mines?

Jesus explained the whole crux to life:

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul . . . (Matthew 22:36-37b, NASB)

We love God with our whole heart . . . all of our being . . . and soul.

The soul can be defined as our emotions, attitude, and will.
1. Emotions--If, we filter our love for God through our emotions, then, we discover that our emotions are guided by the love for God. One thing is for sure . . . we can't have hate for an individual while we are loving God.
2. Attitude--Managing our response to life is guided by our attitude. Those that center their attitude on loving God will experience gratefulness . . . and other God-directed attitudes.
3. Will--Loving God produces a surrendered spirit. As the Apostle Paul said, "Not I, but Christ." (Galatians 2:20, NKJV)

Our response of love to the presence of God in our soul recharges our life . . . allowing us to see that life is Christ at the front and center of life.

Meditate on
Matthew 22:36-37,
Galatians 2:20,
Philippians 1:3-6.

How does loving God with all of your soul . . . emotions, attitude, and will . . . shift the way you live?

Determine to live in love with God.
Love God with all your soul.

Surrender your emotions, attitude, and will.

Learning with you to love God with all of the soul,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)